5 Best and Basic Ways to Use Coconut Oil
Is it your first time buying a jar of organic coconut oil that everyone has been talking about? Unsure or overwelhemed by the many things you can use it for? No need to panic! I've curated a beginner's list of what to use coconut oil for.
I consider coconut oil a leave in natural conditioner. I don't think there is anything else that meets the standards of coconut oil. Everyone going through everyday hair problems needs it in their lives. It has personally helped me with hair fall, hair thinning, and roughness. I have naturally wavy/curly hair, so this really helps by giving some much needed moisture to my hair. Although, you'll see some great results after the first use of this mask, the key is to keep consistent with the masks. Leaving it on before every shower or every other shower, will help you see a noticeable difference.
All you have to do is take a little bit of coconut oil (amounts of coconut oil will vary depending on your hair length, but I'd recommend you start with at least a teaspoon) heat it up on a stove or above a hot cup of water take some in your hands and work it through your hair massaging your scalp, till you've got your whole hair covered. Now, I have heard many girls saying that they leave in the coconut oil for around 30 mins but let me tell you that the longer you can keep it on the better, honestly sleep in it, like an overnight mask. Some people also keep it on for days at a time, so if your home most of the time; try leaving it in till it's all soaked up, this will ensure that your hair has completely taken it all in and it also really helps with the washing process, as this can be hard to get out of your hair in the first wash. When washing scrub out the oil with multiple shampoo-washes gently.
My mom started using coconut oil to use as a makeup remover and she loves it. You only need the tiniest bit to "melt" off all the makeup on your face. It works great for water-proof makeup, especially eye-makeup that can be so hard to get off. So, take the tinniest bit in your fingers, and rub it between your fingers to melt it till it becomes liquid and gently rub it on your face and carefully around your eyes. Afterwards, you'll definitely look like a panda! But then here comes the fun part. Use a gentle facial tissue or cotton pad to rub off the makeup in circular motions, keep doing this until all your makeup has been taken off. And to get any oily residue off your skin, wash your face with water and rub dry. Once my mom started doing this, it has changed the way she looks at coconut oil in general!
Coconut oil makes for a great natural and gentle teeth whitener! My grandmother once asked me to try this trick she found online, where you use coconut oil to gargle and you'd get pearly white teeth. So I did a little researching myself, and found this great natural at home teeth whitener: Organic Turmeric + Organic Coconut oil= Pearly whites.. read my article here:
So to do this you would have to take a 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and mix this with about a 1/8 to a 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil and use this on a wet toothbrush , which you should use only for this purpose as the turmeric stains the brush! Use this mixture directly on your teeth and allow it to sit for around 3 minutes and gargle and spit out. Also! please do take caution and do not spit into the sink as doing this may cause your sink to get clogged overtime! So spit out into the garbage!
Since I've started using this in my homemade stove-top popcorn in replacement of sunflower/vegetable oil, I just love it! I try to put it into all kinds of foods that I eat, however, I feel like the simplest and most easiest way you can incorporate it into your diet is by using it as your cooking oil base instead of anything else you use.
I will be hopefully putting up the recipe to my easy coconut oil popcorn soon.
I really do recommend you try making it for your family and friends, I am sure they'll love it! So stay tuned!
Last but definitely not least, coconut oil makes for a great natural moisturizer, try using it in your nighttime skincare routine. I say "nighttime" only, because although coconut oil is an awesome moisturizer, it can tend to be quite obviously, oily-feeling on your skin and can take some time to fully soak into your skin for you to feel the benefits. So, I recommend you use a little bit of it as an overnight moisturizer, that will wake you up feeling baby-soft. Also! some girls tend to have these dark patches on their knees and elbows, and this is usually as a result of dry skin, so you could use coconut oil in these places to get rid of the patches as well.

I consider coconut oil a leave in natural conditioner. I don't think there is anything else that meets the standards of coconut oil. Everyone going through everyday hair problems needs it in their lives. It has personally helped me with hair fall, hair thinning, and roughness. I have naturally wavy/curly hair, so this really helps by giving some much needed moisture to my hair. Although, you'll see some great results after the first use of this mask, the key is to keep consistent with the masks. Leaving it on before every shower or every other shower, will help you see a noticeable difference.
All you have to do is take a little bit of coconut oil (amounts of coconut oil will vary depending on your hair length, but I'd recommend you start with at least a teaspoon) heat it up on a stove or above a hot cup of water take some in your hands and work it through your hair massaging your scalp, till you've got your whole hair covered. Now, I have heard many girls saying that they leave in the coconut oil for around 30 mins but let me tell you that the longer you can keep it on the better, honestly sleep in it, like an overnight mask. Some people also keep it on for days at a time, so if your home most of the time; try leaving it in till it's all soaked up, this will ensure that your hair has completely taken it all in and it also really helps with the washing process, as this can be hard to get out of your hair in the first wash. When washing scrub out the oil with multiple shampoo-washes gently.
My mom started using coconut oil to use as a makeup remover and she loves it. You only need the tiniest bit to "melt" off all the makeup on your face. It works great for water-proof makeup, especially eye-makeup that can be so hard to get off. So, take the tinniest bit in your fingers, and rub it between your fingers to melt it till it becomes liquid and gently rub it on your face and carefully around your eyes. Afterwards, you'll definitely look like a panda! But then here comes the fun part. Use a gentle facial tissue or cotton pad to rub off the makeup in circular motions, keep doing this until all your makeup has been taken off. And to get any oily residue off your skin, wash your face with water and rub dry. Once my mom started doing this, it has changed the way she looks at coconut oil in general!
Coconut oil makes for a great natural and gentle teeth whitener! My grandmother once asked me to try this trick she found online, where you use coconut oil to gargle and you'd get pearly white teeth. So I did a little researching myself, and found this great natural at home teeth whitener: Organic Turmeric + Organic Coconut oil= Pearly whites.. read my article here:
The All-Natural DIY Teeth Whitener
So to do this you would have to take a 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and mix this with about a 1/8 to a 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil and use this on a wet toothbrush , which you should use only for this purpose as the turmeric stains the brush! Use this mixture directly on your teeth and allow it to sit for around 3 minutes and gargle and spit out. Also! please do take caution and do not spit into the sink as doing this may cause your sink to get clogged overtime! So spit out into the garbage!
Since I've started using this in my homemade stove-top popcorn in replacement of sunflower/vegetable oil, I just love it! I try to put it into all kinds of foods that I eat, however, I feel like the simplest and most easiest way you can incorporate it into your diet is by using it as your cooking oil base instead of anything else you use.
I will be hopefully putting up the recipe to my easy coconut oil popcorn soon.
I really do recommend you try making it for your family and friends, I am sure they'll love it! So stay tuned!
Last but definitely not least, coconut oil makes for a great natural moisturizer, try using it in your nighttime skincare routine. I say "nighttime" only, because although coconut oil is an awesome moisturizer, it can tend to be quite obviously, oily-feeling on your skin and can take some time to fully soak into your skin for you to feel the benefits. So, I recommend you use a little bit of it as an overnight moisturizer, that will wake you up feeling baby-soft. Also! some girls tend to have these dark patches on their knees and elbows, and this is usually as a result of dry skin, so you could use coconut oil in these places to get rid of the patches as well.